Advanced LLM platform for

Healthcare Organizations

HIPAA-compliant LLM tool for healthcare use cases

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The most robust NLP Labeling & LLM platform choice
for cutting-edge organizations around the world.

Use cases

Leverage LLM to assist you with medical research, clinical data analysis, health consultancy, and more.

Medical research

Use LLM model to source, evaluate, and analyze scientfic journals and documents, improving the efficiency of medical research.

Clinical data analysis

Summarize and extract relevant information based on clinical records and data, assisting the practitioners with effective documentation.

Health consultancy

Train your LLM with medical information and build a chatbot that can assist with answering health-related questions

HIPAA-compliant LLM platform at hand

We take data privacy seriously, including protecting sensitive data regulated by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Start utilizing our full features with no worries for non-compliance
Provide domain-specific context from your local files or external object storage with Vector Store
Infuse your local files or external object storage to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of your workflow, enabling deeper understanding, extracting meaning from your knowledge bases, and empowering you to leverage your existing data for more relevant search results.
Vector Store
LLM Playground allows you to compare different models, access Vector Store, and test prompts to see completions and prices.
Test-drive different large language models (LLMs) side-by-side, see how variations in vector stores influence outputs, and fine-tune your prompts for optimal results. All within a user-friendly interface that lets you compare completions and pricing to find the perfect fit for your needs.
LLM Playground
Use LLM Ranking or LLM Evaluation to help you achieve better completions.
Rank completions of your prompt from best to worst to help your model understand your preferred response better. Evaluate completions by rating them on a scale from 1 to 5. Provide your expected completion when rating them less than 5 to enhance accuracy and effectiveness.
LLM Ranking
LLM Evaluation

LLM Labs for developing a chatbot

Build your custom chatbot by seamlessly integrating our Vector Stores with a wide selection of 200+ foundation models.

Why Datasaur?

Evolve and Deliver Business Impact with LLM
Robust LLMs tools
With Datasaur, you have the freedom to shape your LLM development experience. Our tool adapts to your requirements, providing a personalized and efficient approach.
Genuine support for your LLM needs
Our experienced team of experts is committed to your success. Receive personalized support and guidance throughout your LLMs development journey.
Advanced technology
We're constantly updating Datasaur with the latest AI and LLMs development advances. Stay ahead of the curve with our cutting-edge features and enhancements.
Wondering how we can support your use case?
Contact us or schedule a scoping session with our sales and see how Datasaur can be applied to your labeling projects.
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